Thank You for Making the AUSTRIAN WORLD SUMMIT 2024 Unforgettable!

We want to extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone who joined us for this incredible event. Whether you were with us in person or joined us online from around the world, your presence and support made all the difference.

We are especially proud to announce that 3500 people visited our new addition to the summit: The AUSTRIAN WORLD SUMMIT Solutions Expo. Our goal was to inspire a broad audience and show the possibilities that already exist. I believe we can proudly say that it was a full success!

Together, we’ve pushed the global conversation on climate change forward, explored solutions, and heard from some of the most influential voices in the field. Our host, Arnold Schwarzenegger, reminded us that we all the need to go beyond visions– even if it is uncomfortable. “A vision is the first and most important step in everything you do. But after the vision comes the plan. And after the plan, the work starts.”

We hope you enjoyed the event as much as we did and left inspired to take action for a sustainable future. Check out our short “Best of” video below to relive some of the summit’s most memorable moments.