The Schwarzenegger Climate Initiative has started a very special project in cooperation with the Jane Goodall Institute – Austria: Together we will support the reforestation of Mutuba trees in Uganda for three years. The fact that this project is not only about planting trees, but that the focus is equally on people, animals and the environment, makes it so extraordinary and sustainable. Only with this holistic approach we can effectively counter the devastating effects of deforestation in Africa and tackle problems such as climate change, species extinction, polluted groundwater and the loss of economic livelihoods.
By reforesting tropical forests, habitat of chimpanzees living in Uganda will be restored, thus securing part of their population. Furthermore, the fruits of this fig tree are one of the most important food sources for the apps. The Mutuba tree also helps to create sustainable jobs, as the bark can be regularly harvested and processed into bark cloth. Thus Mutuba offers local people a secure source of income for over 40 years without harming the tree. The Jane Goodall Institute has been involved in Uganda for many years; the good networking of the staff as well as the understanding for the needs of the local people and for the regional characteristics of the animal and plant world are indispensable prerequisites for the successful implementation of this project. We are looking forward to this cooperation!