Countdown to the AUSTRIAN WORLD SUMMIT 2024: The Ultimate Workout for the Environment
Arnold Schwarzenegger is inviting people to join him for a workout starting Monday. This time, however, it isn’t for a typical workout aimed at building muscle strength; rather, it’s a call to action for strengthening environmentally friendly habits. This way, in the weeks before his climate conference, the AUSTRIAN WORLD SUMMIT, which takes place in Vienna on June 20th, people around the globe can sweat it out not just for physical fitness, but for the health of our planet.
In a video marking the launch of the environmental workout, Schwarzenegger explains: „I am talking about pumping up the world. Meaning for example: Go and ride your bike to work or out for dinner or whatever you want to do, instead of using your car. Because we want to reduce pollution and we need to work together on this.”
The Schwarzenegger Climate Initiative is asking people everywhere to work on building environmentally conscious habits into their everyday lives step by step for several weeks until the AUSTRIAN WORLD SUMMIT on June 20 by participating in the campaign. “We exercise to strengthen our bodies, but the vitality of our environment is just as important for our well-being. Our planet needs active support, and that’s why we developed ‘The Ultimate Workout for the Environment’. Join in and integrate environmentally friendly habits into your everyday life,” explains Monika Langthaler, Director of the initiative.
Numerous VIPs are joining in
Every week, the focus is on a new environmental topic, including exercises to take part in and an explanation of why our commitment in this area is so urgently needed. Celebrities from the world of sport and film – including Ralf Moeller, Felix Neureuther, Harald Siegel, Elisabeth Görgl, The BossHoss and Barbara Meier – actively participate in the workout and train for the environment in the following weeks. One or two VIP surprises are not excluded!
The campaign will be accompanied by a wealth of background information, showcase examples and everyone is invited to join in and share on social media how they are actively doing something for our planet.
The first week of training is entitled “Let’s get moving!” and focuses on the topic of mobility. It calls on people to either cycle to work, walk short distances or plan their next journey by train.
You can find the full workout at: