Category: SCI
Mutuba Project: Reforestation in Uganda
The Schwarzenegger Climate Initiative has started a very special project in cooperation with the Jane Goodall Institute – Austria: Together we will support the reforestation of Mutuba trees in Uganda for three years. The fact that this project is not…
New report focusing on forests
Our 2020 Special Report – the third in this series already – features a broad variety of international showcase projects and sustainable business models that contribute to intact forests in very different ways. The showcases range from conservation and reforestation…
Climate crisis and Covid-19: addressing both crises at once
The coronavirus (COVID-19) is disruptive for the global economy and devastating for many people and their livelihoods, but we cannot take our attention away from the climate crisis. Rather we must recognize and analyze the parallels and connections of these…
Charity Auction: 900.000€ for climate protection
“Don´t listen to the naysayers! People said to me last year that another event in Kitzbühel won´t work – that there are already too many parties and we didn’t need another fundraiser. And today, we are completely sold out and…
European Culture Prize
We are thankful and proud, that the AUSTRIAN WORLD SUMMIT got honoured with one of the most important awards in Europe. On October 20th, Monika Langthaler Director of The Schwarzenegger Climate Initiative, received on behalf of Arnold Schwarzenegger the European…
Visiting the C40 Mayors Summit
Last week The Schwarzenegger Climate Initiative visited the C40 Mayors Summit in Copenhagen, Denmark. This Summit highlighted examples of how cities are already fulfilling their strong commitments and accelerating the bold climate solutions needed for a sustainable, healthier, resilient and…
Presentation of the book Heißzeit 51
A “hot” track – and it leads to the topic of climate change! Yesterday (Sept. 4, 2019) the well-known Austrian crime writer Eva Rossmann presented her latest work together with The Schwarzenegger Climate Initiative Director Monika Langthaler. In “Heißzeit 51”…
Donation for “Jugend eine Welt”
Today The Schwarzenegger Climate Initiative Director Monika Langthaler handed over a donation cheque of 5.000 Euro to Reinhard Heiserer, CEO Jugend eine Welt, for a very special project: “Solar Skills and Environmental Education”, which sets up solar workshops and pilot…
Schwarzenegger is back – as Howard Kleiner
What a funny and crazy way Arnold Schwarzenegger promotes electromobility: not with a moralizing undertone, but with humor! In the short movie Kicking Gas, Schwarzenegger goes undercover as Howard Kleiner, a frustrated car salesman to help non-profit organization Veloz sharing…
New Bipartisan Podcast on Energy and the Environment
The Schwarzenegger Institute has teamed up with “Political Climate,” a bipartisan podcast exploring energy and environmental issues in America. After gaining listenership from across party lines including industry leaders, congressmen, activists and news media, during their first season, the podcast…